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Seyitömer Höyük

Kütahya, Turkey

Photo-to-VR tests

 page updated August 14, 2012
Photo-to-VR testing

To aid our modeling of the remains at Seyitömer, we were supplied by the excavation team with many high-resolution photographs of the excavations and architectural remains; plus we took our own video of selected areas.

The site at various periods had numerous large outdoor grain-storage silos. Two of these were the subject of our photomodeling tests.

To explore the viability of a more rapid method of creating virtual reality re-creations of the existing remains, we shot video (at only 640x480) of two silos and then extracted 52 still frames from each video. The photos were the basis of the photomodeling stitching process. As the results show, this is a quick and inexpensive means of creating accurate and detailed interactive models.

There is no need for scanners, no need to deal with millions of vertices in a massive point cloud, and no need to decimate the model for ease of processing.

The results were then exported to VRML and (the more recent method) to 3D embedded in .pdf files for easy emailing, Web viewing, and real-time navigating (see below).

If you have a VRML viewer installed on your computer, the house model will appear below, and you may view and walk through this house in real time, using our resulting virtual reality model of the building (or simply view the embedded pdf version).

If you do not see the house, please be sure you have the proper hardware and software to view our virtual worlds.


Hellenistic period
Middle Bronze Age
Reference Information

page created: June 9, 2011
page updated: August 14, 2014
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