page updated November 18, 2014

  Apotropiac or Protective Scenes -- Geniuses

NB: All reliefs are depicted at the same scale.

Reliefs are arranged with those dated to the reign of Ashur-nasir-pal II first followed by thosed dated to the reign of Tiglath-pileser III, and with reliefs of unspecified date last.

Ashur-nasir-pal II reliefs

Partial bas-relief slab depicting a genius facing left between two standing lions. No inscription. Only lower portion of relief preserved, broken into three pieces and weathered. Relief carved asymmetrically on the slab.

Right side of slab flat and smoothed; probably had no adjacent slab; left side is cut as if once adjacent to another.

Genius is barefoot, wearing a kannake (skirt of tufted materials) and short tunic.

Lions wear rope belts similar to those found on the lamassu from the Northwest Palace. See also a similar relief (#NA11-74, described just below) found in the Ashur-nasir-pal (Central) Building.

Date: Ashur-nasir-pal II, 883-859 BCE

Material: limestone / Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: total H = 1.85m; relief H = 1.10m; W = 2.78m; Th = 0.19m; H of plinth 0.75m

Provenance: Found in situ (West Area I; square N0/W20; #8 on the site plan--hover cursor over plan to zoom); marking the north side of entry 'f' inside the Shalmaneser III building (the slab abuts a large threshold block; and behind the relief remains part of the building's original brick wall--see the lower photo at the left).

Inv. # NA9-74

(hover cursor over the images to zoom; click here to enlarge the distant view)

(left image: BM 124578, courtesy of the Samuel M. Paley collection; right image: Meuszynski 1981, plate 15)

Partial bas-relief slab depicting a four-winged genius facing left between two standing lions. Only lower portion of relief preserved. Garment of the genius resembles that of the figure on slab L20 from the Northwest Palace, Nimrud (see left, below).

On the front, 4 last lines of Ashur-nasir-pal II's Standard Inscription are visible, at the top of the preserved face. On the back, 13 lines of Standard Inscription (that is, nearly complete, with some first lines missing), with an empty guideline below.

Date: Ashur-nasir-pal II, 883-859 BCE

Material: limestone

Dimensions: H (from top of plinth) = 0.85m; W = 3.07m; Th = 0.20m

Provenance: Found in situ (North Area; square N40/E0; #2 on the site plan; hover cursor over plan to zoom) at the east side of entrance 'b.'

(hover over the top two photos to zoom; click here to enlarge the general view and L20)

Inv. # NA11-74

Drawing (in the British Museum) by A. H. Layard of relief in the Louvre (AO198.50); reproduced in Meuszyński 1976: plate 15)

Partial bas-relief slab depicting a so-called Scorpion Man, facing left. Only lower portion of relief preserved.

In keeping with the principles of Assyrian art, an analogous slab should be expected on the western side of the entrance (see plan below), with the figure facing east. A similar figure is known from a relief now in the Louvre (see left, below). The conclusion then is that the Paris relief had stood in the southwestern corner of the doorway, next to the jamb. It is known that this relief was found as a covering of a Hellenistic tomb, giving a terminus ante quem for the destruction of the Central Building.

No inscription.

Date: Ashurnasirpal II, 883-859 BCE

Material: limestone

Dimensions: H (from top of plinth) = 0.40m; W = 1.10m; Th = 0.23m

Provenance: Found in situ (North Area; square N40/E0-E10; #3 on the site plan; hover cursor over plan to zoom) perpendicular and abutting NA11-74 (see above) along the north wall of Room 1.

Inv. # NA12-74

(hover cursor over the plan or photo to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo or the drawing)

Partial bas-relief slab depicting the feet of a genius wearing sandals, facing right (only lower portion of relief preserved); no inscription.

Lower photo shows the greater context of the fragment, once abutting relief 2 (genius between lions; see above) in doorway 'b' (part of the paving of Room 2 can be seen to the left of the feet) of the Ashur-nasir-pal (or Central) Building.

Date: Unspecified (most likely Ashur-nasir-pal II given its context)

Material: limestone

Dimensions: H (from top of plinth) = 0.20m; W = 1.11m; Th = 0.23m

Provenance: Found in situ (North Area; square N40/E0; #1 on the site plan; hover cursor over plan to zoom) on the south wall of Room 2, just around the corner from doorway 'b.'

Inv. # NA13-74

(hover cursor over the images to zoom; click here to enlarge the top and bottom photos)

Tiglath-pileser III reliefs

(top or bottom and front of slab showing various cuttings;

drawing probably by Richard Sobolewski)

Bas-relief corner slab (with original edges at the left, right, and bottom) probably depicting a genius facing left (feet and lower portion of garment only are preserved). Figure is dressed in a long shawl similar to those worn by geniuses dating to Ashur-nasir-pal II.

Left edge has an unsculpted margin 0.265m wide.

Date: Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Not specified

Dimensions: H = 1.29m; W = 1.62m; Th = 0.14m; H of plinth 0.74m (ed. note: these heights do not appear correct)

Provenance: Found in square N10/W30.

Inv. # NA20-75

(hover cursor over the images to zoom)

(bottom and front of relief showing various cuttings;

drawing probably by Richard Sobolewski)

Left portion of a bas relief depicting a human-headed genius with cone and situla (bucket); all edges except the right seem original.

The figure's miter might have two horns; he wears a beard and has sandals much in the style of similar figures dated to Ashur-nasir-pal II (except this one seems to have no bracelets or armlets).

Date: Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: H = 2.44m; W = 0.96m; Th = 0.13m; H of plinth 0.45m

Provenance: square N10/W30.

Inv. # NA21-75

(hover cursor over the images to zoom)

(top or bottom and front of slab showing various cuttings;

drawing probably by Richard Sobolewski)

Left lower corner fragment of a bas relief depicting the foot of a genius looking left (could also depict a royal attendant); most likely barefoot.

Date: Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: H = 0.74m; W = 0.60m; Th = 0.13m; H of plinth 0.41m (bottom and left edges original)

Provenance: square N10/W30.

Inv. # NA37-75

(hover cursor over the images to zoom; click here to enlarge photo)

Fragment of the left portion of a bas relief probably depicting a genius facing right (left edge original; part of clothing and leg visible). Figure seems to wear a long shawl decorated with concentric squares.

See NA43-76 a potential join for this fragment.

Date: Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Not specified

Dimensions: H = 0.50m; W = 0.57m; Th = 0.16m

Provenance: Found in square N10/W30.

Inv. # NA32-75

(hover cursor over the images to zoom; click here to enlarge photo)

(hover cursor over the images to zoom; click here to enlarge photo)

Partial bas-relief panel depicting a human-headed wingless genius facing left, wearing a fillet. He holds a pomegranate (?) branch in his left hand. The fillet and hair end in rows of curls. Apparently the figure wears no necklace, no armlets or daggers. He does wear bracelets decorated with a single rosette. The edges of his shawl and tunic are decorated with a row of concentric rectangles.

Left, upper, and right edges original. Width of broken right margin varies from 15cm to 20cm (or is this a break for indicating a corner?); width of polished left margin is 28cm and partly covered by the inscription.

The cuneiform inscription (describing the first campaign of Tiglath-pileser III's royal annals) runs across the lower third of the panel fragment, with gaps left for the arm, plant, and clothing fringes. An inscription (the invocation that normally precedes the annals text) is also carved along the left edge of the slab. The inscription across the front is in 7 lines and framed at both ends by a vertical line.

Front text tranliteration:

1. i-na SAG LUGAL-ti-ia i-na mah-re-e BALA-ia i-na 5 ⸢ITI⸣

2. ša i-na GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ú-ti ra-biš ú-ši-bu aš-šur be-lí

3. ú-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na LÚ.ha-mar-a-ni LÚ.lu-hu-ú-a-[tu]

4. LÚ.ha-ṭal-li LÚ.ru-ub-bi LÚ.ra-pi-qi LÚ.hi-ra-a-ni

5. LÚ.rab-bi-i-lu LÚ.na-ṣi-ri LÚ.gu-lu-si LÚ.na-(x?)-ba-a-tu

6. LÚ.li-iʾ-ta-ú LÚ.ra-hi-qi LÚ.ka-pi-ri LÚ.ru-mu-li-tu

7. LÚ.a-di-le-e LÚ.gib-re-e LÚ.ú-bu-di LÚ.gu-ru-mi

Front text translation:

“At the beginning of my reign, in my first palû, in the fifth month after I sat in greatness on the throne of kingship, (the god) Aššur, my lord, encouraged me and [I marched] against (the Aramean tribes) Hamarānu, Luhu'atu, Hatallu, Rubbû, Rapiqu, Hīrānu, (5) Rabi-ilu, NaSiru, Gulusu, Nabātu, Li'ta'u, Rahiqu, Kapiru, Rummulitu (Rummulutu), Adilê, Gibrê, Ubudu, Gurumu.” (previously trans. in RINAP no. 4, pp.24-25)

Left edge text transliteration:

1. [… ú]-šá-áš-ši-qa

2. [GÌR.II-šu … šá]-de-e

3. […] qab-li

4. [… a]-šib BÁRA.MEŠ

5. [… mu]-ut-tal-ki

6. [… ú]-šúm-gal-lum

7. [si-i-ru …] da-ád-me

Left edge text translation:

“[… he] made […] kiss [his feet … mo]untains [… in/of] battle [… who] sit on (royal) daises, [… ci]rcumspect […, … exalted lio]n-dragon, […] inhabited world.” (no photograph of this inscription was found among the Polish excavation material; the translation work comes from a drawing in the preliminary excavation notebooks. See also excerpt from RINAP no.3, pp.23-24 for translation and additional comments.)

Date: period of Tiglathpileser III

Material: not specified

Dimensions: max. H = 1.55m (along right edge); W = 1.62m; Th = 0.18m

Provenance: Found in square N0/W30

Inv. # NA9-76 + NA56-76 (upper right corner fragment)

Date unspecified

Bas-relief slab depicting a four-winged genius facing left (only bare feet, part of the wings, and garment preserved); no inscription. Possibly from a building facade.

Date: Unspecified

Material: not specified

Dimensions: H (from top of plinth) = 0.78m; W = 1.85m; Th = 0.18m; H of plinth = 0.67m

Provenance: Found in square N10/W10 ('9' on the plan)

Inv. # NA17-74

(hover cursor over the images to zoom)

Bas-relief slab depicting a wingless genius facing left (nearly fully preserved); genius wears a fillet, carries a plant, and wears an earring of type B; no sandals; no inscription.

Date: Unspecified

Material: not specified

Dimensions: lower fragment H = 1.23m; W = 1.38m; Th = 0.20m; upper fragment H = 1.69m; W = 1.39; Th = 0.20m

Provenance: Found in square S10/W20.

Inv. # NA18-74

(hover cursor over the images to zoom; click here to enlarge the full relief)

Bas relief probably depicting part of a wing of a genius, that would have continued on the next slab to the left.

The image could represent either the lower back wing of a genius facing left, or the lower front wing of a 4-winged genius facing right.

Date: not specified

Material: Mosul alabaster (white)

Dimensions: H = 0.67m; W = 0.70m; Th = 0.09m

Provenance: Found in square N0/W10, north of fragment NA77-75.

Inv. # NA81-75

(hover cursor over the images to zoom; click here to enlarge photo)

Bas relief fragment depicting the lower decoratede edge and fringe of a robe, probably from a genius (compare with the similar decoration and carving size on NA9-76, above). The decoration, on this robe, however, is alternating concentric rectangles and rosettes.

Date: not specified

Material: not specified

Dimensions: H = 0.36m; W = 0.30m; Th = 0.12m

Provenance: Found in square N10/W30, in SE corner, in upper filling

Inv. # NA3+7-76

(hover cursor over the images to zoom; click here to enlarge photo)


Reference Information

page created:  November 13, 2002
page updated:  November 18, 2014
page author:  Learning Sites, Inc.
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page location:  Learning Sites homepage ==> Learning Sites Index page  ==> Central Palace Project homepage ==> Central Palace Photography Introduction ==> Central Palace Sculpture Photographs, Presentation Scenes, Religious Scenes

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